Writing Resolutions

It’s that time of year again … the time to make writing resolutions. I almost always make New Year’s resolutions related to my writing, and they’ve helped me grow as a writer over time. This year, I have one writing resolution: to submit something once a month. I’m feeling optimistic because I already know what I’m submitting for January — the manuscript I’m co-editing for a Catholic publisher is due on January 15.

I also made some writing “wishes” way back in July that I haven’t given up on, either!

So far, my writing year has started out with a bang. In addition to the first phase of the Catholic manuscript project coming to a close, I found out today that a manuscript I edited for a private client has landed a publisher. I can’t wait to hold the book in my hands this summer! (I’ll let all of you know where to get it when it’s available, too!) I picked up a new freelance client this week, and I also gave a presentation on “Building a Fantastical World” to three groups of 6-8 graders at today’s Young Author’s Conference. I attended this conference when I was a middle schooler myself, and I credit it for instilling in me the importance of writing every day (a goal I still strive for, and in striving for it, write a lot more than I would without it.) Although presenting to any age group is a little nerve-wracking to me, doing so always leaves me with a new energy, too. And I’ll definitely need it for the year of writing ahead!

I also got another rejection for my YA novel today, which, believe it or not, actually made me feel good. It was the tangible proof that I’m attaining my goal of getting my writing *out there*; I’ll cross another market off my list for now, and move on. There are plenty more where that came from! (markets, and rejections. ;))

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